Tuesday 15 October 2013


The feng shui of staircases

The staircase is one of the important internal features of a home to observe.

There are several common internal features to take note upon when it comes to evaluating the feng shui of a property. One of them is the staircase. What is considered favorable or unfavorable when it comes to staircases?

Do remember that not every unfavorable internal form you find represents a curable situation nor does every situation need curing.

In some instances, you may well be better off passing up on the property. The rule of thumb is not to find a place you have to spend money fixing, but one that already has a good feng shui quotient, which you can spend money improving.

As most people live in double-storey homes these days, the staircase is one of the important internal features of a home to observe because it is through the staircase that qi travels up to the second floor (and any subsequent floors) of a home.

A carefully planned house is one where the staircase is located in an area where it can receive qi and distribute it upstairs.

The staircase is essentially a secondary qi mouth and it should be located in a sector according to either Flying Stars or Eight Mansions, where it can benefit all the rooms upstairs. But do note that the material of the staircase, color, banisters or flooring has no effect on the feng shui of the property.

First and foremost, avoid a property where the staircase is located in the middle. This is because it disrupts the flow of qi in the property.

Don’t worry if there’s a spiral staircase in the property. Staircases are just staircases in themselves and are not a negative feature. It is only negative if this spiral staircase is exceptionally narrow and is located dead center of the property.

A staircase should not lead directly to any room unless it is a storeroom.

It is best to have a staircase that is located in a corner and not facing or next to the Main Door of the property. The staircase also must not run directly above the main door as it is suppressing the qi at the Main Door, forcing qi out from there.

As a general rule, staircases that have more landings are better because the ai meanders and has a place to collect before moving up to the next level. Staircases that are straight push up merciless ai that gushes too strongly, especially if the stairs are steep.Staircases that curl up left and right are known as Double Dragon Staircases. Though this design adds grandeur to a home, it is generally not suitable to small or medium sized properties because they cause the Qi to split and go in two different directions. Better to avoid this, especially if it faces the main door. However, there’s an exception to this rule that only applies to very large buildings like hotels, where double dragon staircases are permissible.

A staircase also should not lead directly to any room unless it is a storeroom. This means ai – especially with a steep staircase – is rushing in and hitting the door. Therefore, the ai that enters or affects the room is volatile and not benevolent. A huge no-no for a staircase leading straight into the master bedroom as well. It is essential that there is a landing before the staircase opens to the master bedroom, so that there is an opportunity for the qi to collect before it is gently sent up into the master bedroom.

So remember these tips when you are out hunting for your dream home next.

Double dragon staircase.

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