Friday 13 September 2013


My friend, Ustaz Syed Sharim sent me two photographs of his wrecked car, a white Mitshubishi Cheri.  He had lent it to a friend who was sending off a Syrian friend to KLIA Airport in the early hours of Thursday morning.  What I know is the friend's son who was driving the car was sleeping and they all landed in a big drain somewhere in Tanjung Karang where there are lots and lots of paddy fields. Luckily no one was hurt.  They were just traumatized.  Luckily Ustaz Syed was not the one driving the car and so he was unhurt.
This is the second time that the Cheri has been involved in an accident.  The first time around, one of the passengers died.  To the Chinese, they will not buy a car in which there has been a fatality.  This is because of the negative energies.

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