Saturday 21 September 2013


The smell of success
Posted on 11 September 2013 - 02:51pm
Last updated on 11 September 2013 - 03:00pm


THE concepts of feng shui were developed in China thousands of years ago. Where once people lived among mountains and rivers, we now have skyscrapers and roads. Where once people looked out on rural fields and open country, we now have parks and suburban landscapes.

Yet the basic guidelines and principles behind feng shui remain the same through the ages as they are mostly logical principles and common sense that stand the test of time.

The Chinese landscape that features yang sky, yin land, dragon mountains and a "white tiger" lake is said to be the most ideal and conducive formation for attracting positive energy or qi.

The important aspect of home feng shui is not just the décor, style and flow of qi but also the way the home smells. By checking the feng shui of the home, one can tell immediately if everything is in harmony just by the aroma that exists in the house.

And the occupants can then make the necessary changes to achieve the perfect aroma - freshness and smell that makes occupants feel good.

Many homes and large stores do understand very well the power of smell. No one can ignore the temptation of the aroma of freshly baked bread in the shopping mall or superstore, however far or deep it is located within the mall.

It is a fact that animals use pheromones to attract their mates and to demarcate their movement and territory. Similarly, our homes also have their own unique identity in terms of smell. It is not surprising that even if you are blindfolded, you can tell which friend's home you are entering, just by the smell of the place. That's the power of association by the sense of smell.

The feel and the fragrance when we first enter a home or office creates a strong impact on those who enter, hence if the home smells less than fresh, it can affect the comfort levels of those who enter it.

Ideally, the fragrance should be natural and create a feeling of serenity. Think of the subtle smell of lavender as you walk past it in a garden when compared to the artificial lavender scented air fresheners.

Natural smells affect us in a way that those commercially sold perfumes never can. Use of aroma sticks, especially when they have natural ingredients and herbs are a little more comforting and it can also cleanse the air with the added advantage of not causing respiratory problems.

Cleansing your place of dwelling or work place with aroma sticks periodically ensures that stale air is removed besides adding a sense of freshness. The Tibetan school of feng shui considers this as a very important process and is essential for "space cleansing".

Similarly, placing plants indoors can help to emanate good fragrance of the garden, especially if they are placed near the back door.

Some of the smell enhancers like aroma sticks, burning of aroma oils, quite often referred to as aroma therapy, or having plants with flowers emanating good fragrance, fruits and fruit bowl on the dining table - all these have in them a unique sense of smell which in feng shui consideration, can stimulate and enhance the sensory system of the occupants.

A space which has been cleansed and free of stale air will not only smell pleasant but also usher in the positive qi and bring about a change in the feel of the place. This will then strengthen the aspirations and dreams of the occupants by motivating and giving them the energy and health to advance in their career and/or achieve the goals in their lives.

So do not sniff at the power of smell in your home as it can attract powerful qi to benefit you and your family.

S.BS.Surendran is an accredited master feng shui consultant, bioenergetician and traditional vaastu practitioner. Readers can contact him at

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