Thursday, 29 August 2013


 Last week, I made a visit to the Manabi'ul Ulum Religious Centre in Lekir while driving back to Manjung from Teluk Intan.  My colleague, Salasiah mentioned that she had heard so much about the place but never got the chance to visit.  Well, I made a stop at the place so that she could make her first visit.  The three boys with me, Shafiq, Afiq and Asrul had gone with me once and so this was their second visit.  For me, this was my Nth visit.  I went so many times that I lost count.
 Ustaz Mamu, a warden at the centre, showed us around.  Here you see Salasiah at the doorstep of one of the senior citizens, Puan Jami'ah who invited us to her Hari Raya Open House.
 She was so happy to see us and brought out all her festive cakes and biscuits.
 Here is a picture of Salasiah, Puan Jamiah and I.  For your information, she is 72 years old. She is at the centre to gain more religious knowledge.
 This is the kuih putu that she served to us.  It is a traditional Malay biscuit.
 This is the Dodol that is made by Puan Jami'ah.  One of my students, Asrul, loved it so much that he ate most of the Dodol.  After that the Opah gave him a second helping.

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