Tuesday 20 August 2013


My Aunt Linda hadn't been feeling well the past week and when I picked her up from her house on Saturday morning, she was rather grumpy.  She kept picking on little things and finally I had to tell her all her nitpicking and complaints were making me feel very down.  I told her that she wasn't the only who was sick.  My gums were aching as I had an infection.
If you have been following my blog, then you'd most probably have read my post about this being one of the toughest of months as the centre palace has both the Nasty 5 Yellow Stars plus this also happens to be the seventh lunar month, or the Ghost Month.  An article by Lillian Too already forewarned of sudden illness, aches and pains.  Furthermore our emotions will be highly strung during this period.  I reminded my aunt about this and this sort of jolted her from her grumpiness.  Her mood became better and by dinner time, she was back to normal.
The two of us had to eat spaghetti for lunch as the noodles were easier to swallow.  She was feeling much better and had begun to enjoy her food.  During breakfast, she was complaining of having no appetite and also said she felt lethargic and had neck pain.  Her mood became even better on Sunday and she told me that she got her appetite back and was feeling better.

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