Thursday 22 August 2013


 This was the photo that I whatsapped to Kamariah when she asked me how I was on Tuesday night.  Besides a headache I was okay.
How I looked on Tuesday morning.  If you compare the 2 pics you'd notice the swelling. 

I woke up with a bad headache yesterday morning and it was really painful to lift up my head.  When I looked in the mirror I saw that my eyes and face were swollen.  I had to send an SOS to Lai Yoong to come send me to the doctor's clinic.
It seemed that I had a reaction to one of the antibiotics given by the dentist.  Furthermore my delay in going to the dentist and also all the festive food I ate had aggravated my infection.  Lai Yoong told me that she had heard of cases where people had died from this.  Oh dear, if I had waited longer I might have ended up in hospital.
The doctor told me to rest and gave me two days medical leave.


Rich said...

Hope you feel better soon,


Miss Cheah said...

Thanks. I am much better now.