Friday 2 August 2013


When I was at the Pondok in Lekir visiting the Opahs, I saw my former student, Azizul in the midst of wrapping a whole lamb to be roasted on a fire pit.  It seems that any fire pit will do when roasting a whole lamb.One of the easiest solutions for a fire pit is simply a large hole, dug into the ground, about one and a half feet deep with dirt heaped up around it.
 Here is the marinated lamb.
 The marinated lamb is placed on banana leaves which is then wrapped in tin foil.
 Azizul and his friend wrapping the lamb in tin foil.
 After being wrapped in tin foil, the lamb is then wrapped in a wire mesh.

 Here are the two pits that they have dug.  The burning firewood would later be pushed into the pit first, followed by the wrapped lamb.  After that it would be covered with a piece of aluminium foil and baked for about two hours.  Two pits were dug as there are two lambs.
Unfortunately I left early and did not get to see the whole process.

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