Thursday 1 August 2013


I am happy to report that the last activity planned for the Resource Centre Ramadan Programme was successfully carried out this evening.  Earlier this week my boys and I had prepared Raya Goodie Bags for 50 of the senior citizens at the Pondok in Lekir.  
This evening, I together with Kamariah, Khairah, Ina, Norma, Rosni, Faiza plus her baby, and 5 of our students set off for the Manabi'ul Complex where the golden girls are staying to gain more religious knowledge.  My boys address them as Opah.  This is how grandmas or elderly ladies are fondly called in the state of Perak.
We went from door to door to hand out our Goodie bags to the Opahs.  We also spent some time chatting to them and asking about their well-being. It made us really happy to see the Opahs receiving us with so much warmth and love.  They wanted us to stay longer but due to time constraints we had to make our visit to each domicile short.  
Organizing the programme this year proved to be more challenging than previous years as there were a few hiccups but then seeing  the happy smiles on the orphans, the needy children and the Opahs' faces made it all worthwhile for me, my friends and students.   

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