Sunday 11 August 2013


 After visiting Daniel's house in the afternoon, I went to my second Open House in the evening.  You can see the sumptious meal served by my hosts, Puan Hajah Halimatun and Tuan Haji Bahtom.  She made Laksa Sup and Spaghetti.
Noni and Rina who were at Daniel's house also went with me as the son, Baron Syafiq, of the hosts is their friend.
 This is the Laksa Sup that I had.  It is super delicious and is something I look forward to when visiting Baron and his family.
 Rina, Noni and Baron.
 My girls and I enjoying the food specially prepared by our hostess and her family.
 Baron Syafiq, Baron Syaziq, Noni and Rina.

 Baron Syaziq and I.  His grandma says that he looks like me.  

 Puan Hajah Halimatun, me, Noni and Rina.   Puan Halimatun whom I fondly call Kak Bee Bee will be going for her cataract operation next week and that is why she had her open house within the first few days of Hari Raya.  After the operation, she will not be doing the cooking for a couple of weeks.  I'll try and visit her again after her operation.

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