Friday, 23 August 2013


This much was done by the school gardeners during the holidays.  Actually their supervisor had helped to buy the stones and got his workers to lay them in a J pattern.  When I met the supervisor last Friday, he told me that he had done the landscaping and so I need not have to worry.  Though I appreciate the effort put in by them, I was not satisfied.  This was not what I had in mind.  Mind you the stones are not cheap.  The bill came up to RM138.  For your information, the chief clerk only gave me a budget of RM100.
On Monday evening, my students helped me to rearrange the stones and also to do some planting. My project got disrupted on Tuesday and Wednesday as I fell ill.  I was actually given 2 days medical leave by the doctor but got bored at home, so I went back to work on Thursday and got my boys to help continue with the landscaping.
 Here Syafiq is painint the concrete leaf yellow.
 My three boys working on the landscaping.
 Since we had gone over budget, I had to use my own money to buy the small stones and also recycled some of the pot covers in order to finish my project. As what the gardeners did was not what I had planned, I had to work with what they did and come up with fresh ideas.
 Here you see Syafiq and Afiq laying the small pebbles. The bag I bought costs RM18.
 Here I am fashioning two small sunflowers from old pot covers and some of the stones.  I also bought some glass pebbles.
 Painting the pebbles yellow.
 Here is what my boys and I came up with after working on our project from 4.30 p.m. until 6.30.   I am rather pleased with the outcome but am not completely satisfied.  I will me making some modifications tomorrow.

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