Saturday, 31 August 2013


The incredibly cute Minions are all the rage at present.  The handphone casing makers have also cashed in on their popularity by coming up with a new range featuring them.
Usually these casings are expensive and may costs as much as RM200 for the branded types but if you buy them at stalls at the pasar malam or kiosks in departmental stores they may be cheaper. Still those with covers will cost anything around RM35 to RM60.
So I was very surprised to see these casings for Galaxy Note 2 being sold at RM20.  There were only two and the boss told me that he ordered one of each as he said that this was just a fad thing.  Once the popularity of these little creatures wane than the buyers will move on to the next cute thing.
This is the one with the One Eyed Minion that was left after the other was bought by me.
I bought this one.  If I am not mistaken, this little Mionion's name is Dave. I am keeping it as a spare as I know that the casing that I am using will become worn after a while.  

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