Monday, 26 August 2013


Since the first day of Syawal I had eaten more than my poor body needs.  This is due to my visits to the many Hari Raya Open Houses hosted by my friends.  There is so much food to eat and greedy me would have more than two helpings.  After this, I need to go on a diet.
I heard that eating the Japanese Sweet Potato (“Satsumaimo“) might help.  It seems that it is packed full of goodness containing the dietary fiber and vitamin C which may be just what I need in dieting to lose weight just by eating healthy. 

Here is some dietary facts about this fat busting food.
The Japanese sweet potato is a low calorie food (Calories in sweet potato: 264Cal / 1 item) that not only helps satisfy your appetite but contains high nutritional value that you can expect is going to make surface in your diet sooner or later. All you have to do is replace 1 meal a day with a healthy helping of Japanese sweet potatoes to reduce calories without giving up on nutrition.
Even if you are eating 3 meals a day The Japanese Sweet Potato Diet helps you cut back on calories in your diet without giving up on healthy eating and skin care benefits in your food making it reasonable for anyone to succeed in dieting.

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