Friday, 23 August 2013


A week ago, I was posed this question on how to carry out a 'room blessing'.  Well, a room blessing is similar to a house blessing.  It can also be referred to as space clearing.  What is done is to welcome new energies into the space for a positive atmosphere.  The person who asked me the question is a teacher and she wanted to know about rituals to carry out to bless her new classroom.  This means that she needs to do some space clearing rituals to cleanse the classroom environment of negative energies.
As far as I am concerned the best way is to thoroughly clean and organize the room.  Air out the room by leaving the windows and doors open and letting fresh air clean the room.
After that use a clean spray bottle (previously unused by any chemicals) filled with fresh water and sea salt (or Himalayan salt). Then spray it into the air around the room.
After that you can burn any herbs or smudge sticks and walk around the room, gently guiding the smoke around the room. There is no hard and fast rule about whether to work around the room in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Go in the direction that intuitively feels right.
After doing all that, announce the intention of the space, from the centre of the room.  You can pray to the God of your faith to bless the room.  And the ritual is completed.

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