Thursday, 29 August 2013


 I actually lost count of how many Hari Raya Gatherings that I had so far.  Not that I don't enjoy it but then all the food is  making me gain more weight.  God knows what my cholesterol reading is.
The one I attended yesterday afternoon was hosted by the Islamic Language Department of the college.  Before the jamuan, there was a religious talk by the Ustaz for the ladies.  After that everyone tucked into the food.  It was actually potluck.  Only the main menu of Nasi Dagang dan Ice Kacang was by the hosts.
 Nani preparing the ice kacang for me.

 Here you see Kamariah with Ustaz Syed's daughter, Sharifah Adawiyah.  Such a cute little girl and that is why I took a few more pictures of her below.

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