Monday 19 August 2013


A couple of weeks ago, I injured my gums by using a sharp tooth pick to dislodge a food particle that had become stuck in my upper molar.  I guess I used too much force and ended up doing harm to my gums.  Initially there was a bit of discomfort but as they days went on I began to feel pain.  To make matters worse, I was eating all the hot and fried food which aggravated the situation.
I am currently taking a course of antibiotics for my dental problem but in the meantime, I am feeling great discomfort.  When I told Rose about my problem, she said that coupled with the inflamed gums, my body was also very heaty.  To alleviate the pain she selected points on the face or jaw and also placed a needle on the hand between the thumb and first finger to address inflammation. She also placed needles on my foot to reduce the heat.  At the end of the session, she also did some blood letting and cupping for me to drain heat from the body.


flameater said...

The present Director General of the Ministry of Health is very much interested in establishing Pain Free Hospitals using acupunture. Since you seem to be experienced in this field, you may wish to share your knowledge by joining his Facebook page. For the good of Malaysians. Thank you.

Miss Cheah said...

I am not a practitioner but a patient.