Wednesday 3 July 2013


 Yesterday afternoon I received a message from my neighbour in Ipoh that Angel was very sick.  When she came over to my house to help feed Angel, she found the dog lying on the ground with tongue sticking out and unable to move.
I contacted my brother-in-law to see if he and my sister were in Ipoh but unfortunately for me they were in KL visiting their sons. However he did give me the contact number of his friend, Dr. Gilbert, who is a vet and even helped to contact him for me.  So I took the afternoon off and drove back to Ipoh with Lai Yoong.  My neighbour came over to my house the moment she saw us and we quickly went to see how Angel was.  Though she could not get up but then my neighbour said that Angel was much better than when she saw her earlier in the day.  No doubt she was shivering and panting but she could sit up.
 From the picture above you can see that Angel looked a bit more alert. Earlier she was in a semi-conscious state.
 A few minutes later, Uncle Wong from the animal clinic came to help me transport Angel for treatment.
 He had a special way of transporting Angel as can be seen above.  However mid-way through, she made a lot of noise and he used a rubber sheet and placed her on top of it to carry her to the van.
 Finally at the vet's and being given treatment.  My dog is 13 years old which equates to 91 years old in human age but I requested Dr Gilbert to do all that he could to save her.  She is my family and if I could I would not have the heart to put her to sleep.
When I left the clinic, the doctor had taken samples of her blood for analysis and also took x-rays of her.  Hopefully she could live a couple of years more. Mind you I lost my mum just a year ago, I don't want to lose my dog so soon.

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