Sunday 7 July 2013


 Look at what the impact of the fallen branch did to the signage for one of my herbal plants.  Thankfully no one was hurt.  Actually at the time the branch snapped, Haji Hasnin was taking his wife and daughter-in-law for a tour around the herb garden.  They heard the snapping sound and quickly moved away from the spot.
 One of the plants that was totally damaged was Kesidang (Vallaris glabra).  Thankfully I managed to buy a new one from the Farmer's Market to replace it.
 As usual Vasan was more than happy to help me to do the planting during his recess time.
His classmate, Anaod, also volunteered to help as well.  The boys knew that I was devastated with the loss of so many plants and did what they could to help out.  

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