Sunday 14 July 2013


 When on tour in Langkawi, one of the places that is on the itinerary will be a visit to a premise selling Gamat or Sea Cucumber products.  Yeah!  Gamat is one of the things to buy when visiting this island.
So why is this Gamat so sought after by tourists?  Well, below is a bit of info I got.
According to a popular version of the folktales, a fisherman named Gamat discovered the healing properties of gamat (sea cucumber) by chance more than 300 years ago.The fisherman discovered the strange looking sea creature when he was washed to a coral reef after his boat sank.Clinging to a wooden plank, Gamat drifted in the sea for a long time before reaching the reef.
The sharp edges of the coral further bruised his battered body. Gamat then saw this weird sea creature, caught it and ate it raw as he was very hungry. Then, he rubbed the fluid oozing from the creature onto his wounds.Miraculously his wounds healed fast - leaving no signs at all on his body. After been completely healed and got his energy restored, Gamat swam back to the shore.His survival stories spread like wildfire throughout the island. Since then, Langkawi folks have been taking gamat for healing wounds and restoring energy. - See more at:
 Here I am dipping my index finger into a boiling wok of Gamat oil.  Know what?  It ain't hot at all.
 Here are some Gamat products sold at the shop.

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