Saturday 13 July 2013


 I dread going back to Ipoh this weekend as I know that there will be no Angel waiting for me. Whenever I think of my dog, a sense of great loss overcomes me and I feel really sad. One comforting thought is that she is buried in the garden and part of her will always be at my home.  Here are some photographs of Angel taken when she was alive and well.


radiant3 said...

Hi! Lina

I am just wondering if you would like to adopt a dog in my neighbourhood which has been going around stray for quite some time after ts owner abandoned it when they moved out.

What's interesting is I think Angel, your late dog look quite like this dog. Interested?

We actually called the SPCA to take the dog in but then they said that they couldn't cope because they had too many dogs to handle.

radiant3 said...

Hi! Lina

I am just wondering if you would like to adopt a dog in my neighbourhood which has been going around stray for quite some time after ts owner abandoned it when they moved out.

What's interesting is I think Angel, your late dog looked quite like this dog. Interested?

We actually called the SPCA to take the dog in but then they said that they couldn't cope because they had too many dogs to handle.