Monday 24 June 2013


Understanding FengShui and Numbers for better Prosperity
04 Jun 2013

Master Lynn Yap

1) Numbers that are fengshui related are usually used in car number plates, mobile numbers, house, factory, streets, building numbers and even company names.

2) Every house should have 1 dining table as the dining table represents career.

3) Ideally, in any house, there should be 3 dining tables for a better career. They can be the coffee table in the living room, dining table or another table in the kitchen or the balcony. A dining table is any table that you eat in.

4) There can be 2 stoves in the house, one in dry kitchen the other in wet kitchen in order to have a stable career and for one that is overseas.

5) There should be a pair of wall lights or 2 table lamps in the masterbedroom to represent two persons sleeping.

6) If there is only 1 table lamp in the master bedroom then it means that eventually only one person would be sleeping.

7) There should be at least 1 writing desk in the whole house as this also represents a good and stable career. This is very important.

8) In life, there is a spiritual number that follows everyone. Example : when you sit for an exam, there is a student number (last digit) or when you sit for a driving test, there is a number too. Observe what this number is. For some, it is number 2 while for some it is a 4.

9) Hence, when buying a house, the house number should have one of your spiritual number. This is one of the method that we used in selecting a good fengshui house other than the fengshui directions. It means that the house is meant for you and your family.

10) The number “8” represents “fatt” in Cantonese and “fatt” means prosperity. Therefore if one’s house has a “8” in it, it means prosperity for the family.

11) A person’s mobile number can also end with a “8” to represent prosperity too.

12) The number “4” in Cantonese is not a good number to be used when buying a property or even to be used as a telephone line as the number sounds like “death” in Cantonese. Hence the number “14” would be most unlikely for some.

13) However, when more and more people understand the value of their “spiritual numbers” then gradually more and more people would grow to like the number “4”.

14) The number “3” means “alive”in Cantonese and hence many people like the number “3”. When buying a house or mobile number ending, they tend to use this number.

15) A house number ending with “9” would have the best number of all as “9” is the biggest number of all the numbers and hence represent “Power”. Therefore, any one living in this house would have a better command at the work place.

16) The numbers of the house adding up can also end with a “9” to give “power. Example: #10-17 (10+1+7) for a condo or an apartment. While some houses end with a 36, 54 (3+6)(5+4) also giving a “9” to represent “power”.

17) In fengshui, each of the numbers represent an element in fengshui : a) 1 – water b) 2, 5, 8 - earth c) 3, 4 – wood d) 6, 7 - metal e) 9 - fire

18) Even numbers are usually preferred for lightings like number of downlights in the living and dining area.

19) A pair of round white lights are usually placed at gate pillars of landed properties to represent “harmony living” and to invite the Dragon’s breath to come into their houses at night. See which one of these houses along the street where you live are the brightest at night then you would know which house has better fortune !
20) One Balcony light is allowed and it is the only exception unless the balcony is big and requires more than one light for it to be bright.

21) At night, usually one light in the kitchen is switched on to give the owners prosperity and better career. This is because the kitchen represent career and in day time, it is bright while at night it becomes dark. However, when a light is turned on, the kitchen becomes “bright all the time” and that gives good fortune.


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