Saturday 22 June 2013


Fengshui Tips to help you choose a good condo that brings Peace, Health and Prosperity
06 May 2013

Master Lynn Yap

1) The house should be bright as a bright house usually has more yang energy and is also good for health.

2) Ideally the condo should be facing either “North” or “South” in order to have better fengshui.

3) You may choose the facing as “South” or “South West” as these have the best fengshui for another 10 years.

4) The kitchen in the condo space should be large and rectangular in shape as the kitchen represents a person’s career.

5) The kitchen should also be bright when you step into it however if the kitchen is dark then simply turn on a small light to ensure that the kitchen is bright all the time. It should also be well ventilated so that the flow of Qi is smooth.

6) If you are buying a new condo and it comes with a given fridge and stove that is good as it means that there is always food for the family and a wonderful career.

7) The door of the condo should never face directly at the lift door or any staircase. If not the family staying in this house would never be “peaceful” with arguments, people always finding faults with them for nothing and slower wealth.

8) The door of the condo should never face directly at the swimming pool as this is really bad for health and wealth. This usually applies to those on the ground floor.

9) The master bedroom should never face a gap or hole between two towers and is directly opposite or even facing a straight road underneath as these would cause friction between the couple.

10) If the gap or hole is facing the living room where the wealth area is then that is bad for money.

11) To choose the best fengshui condo unit is to select one where the swimming pool is in “South West” sector directly opposite the unit that you had chosen. This is because the swimming pool would be your “external wealth area” and hence would bring you “unexpected abundance of wealth”.

12) There should be no swimming pool in the “North East” sector of the condo unit if not you would have numerous money difficulties.

13) When the swimming pools are built on higher levels of a condo ensure that your condo unit is not directly below the pool.

14) Do not buy a unit next to the Generator or the rubbish area as these are never good for health.

15) The condo unit should also not be too close to the rail track as the Qi passes by would be too quick hence Qi cannot stay in the house especially when the windows are open.

16) Ideally there should be another condo unit directly below yours. If it is an empty space below then that is not good.

17) Some condo facing are better for the male while some are better for the female hence it is best that you consult your master before you buy your condo.

18) The name of the condo also has a part to play in choosing a condo. Choose selectively.

19) Try to buy a condo unit that has a lot of space in front “unblock“ or good view so that the flow of Qi is good.

20) Try not to buy a condo unit that is too close to the entrance of the condo where the guard house is because there would be too many cars passing by, some carrying Qi in, some carrying Qi out.

21) The colour of the whole condo project need be your favourable colour element according to one’s bazi chart, if not you should not buy then go source for another condo.

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