Monday 24 June 2013


When I went home to Ipoh for the weekend, the first thing I did was to call out to my dog Angel.  Usually  she would come charging out from the back of the house to welcome me but after calling her a number of times, there was no sign of her.  That got me worried.  I quickly rushed to the back compound and found that my dog was limping.  She had injured her hind legs.
I had to help her up the two steps into the house.  Once in, she lay on the floor and rested.  That got me really worried.  Thankfully when I fed her food that I bought, she ate it.  Unfortunately Angel vomited after that.
So I spent my weekend nursing my dog back to health by feeding her nourishing food and also medicine.  She also rested a lot.  By the time, I left for Sitiawan on Sunday evening, she appeared to be much better and was walking more steadily.
My neighbour told me that Angel had fought with a stray cat that had wandered into my garden and had fallen into the drain.  My neighbour who was around chased the cat away and helped to lift Angel up from the drain.  Anyway, I asked my neighbours to help keep an eye on Angel and to please call me if her condition turned for the worse.  My Aunt Linda said that she'd get Uncle Jimmy to check on Angel too.

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