Tuesday 30 April 2013


Last Friday the library supervisor unknowingly locked the college cat in and the poor thing was trapped in there for 3 days. When my assistant, Asiah, opened the door on Monday morning the cat came running out. That was not the only surprise that Asiah got. She was also assailed with the pong that came from all the cat poop. Poor Asiah vomited a few times and had no appetite for a whole day.
There was poop everywhere and she had to scoop them up. After that the cleaning lady came to mop the floor and also to remove the cushion covers. Yeah! Kitty also did her business there.
After that I used an insecticide spray to try cover the bad smell but that made matters worse. We had to switch on the fan and open the doors to let the place air. I also used perfume.
Finally both Asiah and I cut a lot of pandan leaves into strips to make into potpourri. Pandan Leaf (also known as Pandanus or Screwpine has a pleasant aroma which acts as natural air freshener.
 The finely cut strips of pandanus leaves
The strips of pandan are placed in a transparent cloth bag and hung up

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