Wednesday 13 March 2013


M godsister's hubby, Tze Chuan recommended Rapeseed oil to me after he heard about my battle to reduce my bad cholesterol level.  As the company he works in deals with cooking oil, he told me that this type of oil is one of the best cooking oils.  
Similar to olive oil, rapeseed oil contains Omegas 3, 6 and 9, essential fatty acids known to reduce cholesterol and maintain heart health, joint mobility and brain function. It is also a rich, natural source of vitamin E. High in mono-unsaturated fats, it is one of the few unblended oils that can be heated to deep-frying temperature without its antioxidants, character, colour and flavour spoiling.   Obviously,  it is one of best "good" oils. Furthermore, rapeseed oil has about half the saturated fat found in olive oil, and a fraction of that in palm oil.
On hearing all the health benefits, I quickly went to TESCO's and bought a bottle.  So nowadays I cook using this oil.  Hopefully with all the effort that I have put in, my bad cholesterol would go down and the good  one will increase.
A rapeseed field in Denmark (LINK)

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