Saturday, 2 March 2013


Quite a number of my friends and relatives are on medication to control their cholesterol level and I am dreading that I might add to this number.  But you can bet that I am doing my darndest not to by using home remedies that I am learning more about from my friends, my books and also the Internet.
Why am I so reluctant to use medication?  Everyone knows that high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and possibly stroke.  This is because cholesterol encourages the formation of plaque within your blood vessels. This narrowing increases the strain on the heart and, consequently, raises blood pressure. To me if given a choice, I would prefer to control my cholesterol through than use medications such as statin drugs, which can cause liver damage, muscle weakness and gastrointestinal distress.
So my dear Xing Fu readers, please bear with me as I keep posting more and more natural remedies to fight cholesterol.  Perhaps, you or your family members might benefit from them as well.

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