Monday, 4 March 2013


One favourite pastime of Kamariah and Haji Hasnin these days is to keep teasing me about my cholesterol level.  They say that when I am hungry I will wallop all the nasil lemak, roti canai and whatever food that is high in cholesterol and then when I had my fill I will say that I need to diet because of my cholesterol.What to do?  Well, I need to turn to Extra virgin oil to help bust the cholesterol and speed up fat burning.
Yeah, what I found out about Cold Extra Virgin Olive oil is that it is research has shown that people can lose weight by taking one tablespoon of Olive Oil per day. It was further mentioned that taking one tablespoon of olive oil can reduce up to a pound of weight per week.  Besides that olive oil has many helpful qualities.

How does olive oil work for weight loss?
Olive oil is a good fat and it has been shown to burn off three times faster than bad fats, like the trans-fats found in our commercial food products.
Olive Oil is rich in Oleic acid. The fat fighting benefits of Olive Oil is due to the fact that it has maximum content of Oleic acid. These fatty acids help fat tissues by stopping them from absorbing fat from blood cells. It further stimulates the secretion of fat cells into the bloodstream so that they can be burned off.
The oleic acid present in Olive Oil converts to OEA, a hunger fighting hormone. This OEA stimulates the nerve cells and tells the brain that your stomach is full.
If you're looking to buy Olive Oil, you must go for the extra-virgin or virgin Olive Oil. These are the most beneficial ones for the heart as they contain the highest level of polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant.

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