Tuesday 12 March 2013


Yesterday afternoon, I went and visited my colleague Siet Fah who gave birth to a baby girl, Kok Hai Hsien just before the Chinese New Year. Since her baby was born on the 7th of February and after Lup Chun day, the little girl was born in the year of the Snake.  Now many people would be saying what a waste as the girl could've been born in the year of the Dragon but I say it is a good thing as her sign is in agreement with her mum's who was born in the year of the Dog.  Those who know about Chinese astrology would know that the Dragon clashes with the Dog.
Anyway, even if the girl happened to be born in the year of the Dragon, it would still be okay as the Chinese believe that those who are fated to be parents and children have a great bond created by Heaven.

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