Sunday, 3 March 2013


In my zealousness to get my cholesterol level back to normal, I discovered apple cider vinegar.  Initially I used it for making salads but when my friend, Khairiah told me that her husband who took it as a remedy for diabetes and cholesterol lost weight I became very interested.
I did a check on the Internet and found that apple cider vinegar has been attributed as a home remedy to help shed the pounds.  For your information, most most apple cider vinegar weight loss home remedies call for the taking of one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before each meal. The resulting loss of weight is said to be gradual but permanent.  Some people add fruit juice or honey to make the vinegar more palatable as it is pretty potent and does take a little getting used to.
Well, as far as I am concerned if it helps to further more healthy cause then I am all for it.  Besides, I can drink two spoonful of the stuff neat.  

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