Friday, 22 February 2013


Here is an article by Kathryn Weber on how to create a Feng Shui Wealth Bowl.

Create a Feng Shui Wealth Bowl to Stimulate Your Prosperity Energy

Create your own wealth bowl to display in your home and to help you accumulate wealth

One of the feng shui’s most delightful ways to stimulate more income and opportunity – and the accumulation of wealth – is to create your own wealth bowl.

Unlike the wealth vase that has a prescribed set of items, must be hidden from view, and is prepared with specific elements and properties the wealth bowl is just the opposite — it can be created using any number of auspicious ingredients that you have around the house — and it’s meant to be openly displayed.

Many feng shui-savvy families display these wealth bowls in their living room or by the cash register at their business.

Filling this bowl will all the auspicious items you have is best so don’t be shy about putting in faux diamonds large and small, gold painted stones to represent gold nuggets, gold ingots, lucky Chinese coins, even figures of your Chinese Zodiac sign.

Have you been thinking about ways to stimulate more cash coming into your house? Then maybe you need a wealth bowl! Here’s what you need to know to build your own.

1) Choose the right bowl.

A round shaped glass or crystal bowl that will hold your items easily. Select one of medium size or about eight to ten inches in diameter.

2) Select your ingredients.

Typical wealth bowls are filled with items that inspire wealth, that have value, or represent wealth and prosperity. Fill with faux diamonds or gold ingots, gold-painted stones to represent gold nuggets, add semi-precious stones such as lapis, amethyst, rose quartz, and citrine. Sprinkle with Chinese coins to fill in the spaces. If you need “filler” for your bowl, try adding some glass pebbles and gold-painted stones like below.

3) Add a wealth tree.

Many gift stores and feng shui shops have gem and coin trees. This is a great way to use one. Place inside your wealth bowl and stack coins, diamonds, gems and ingots on top.

4) Add a golden Buddha.

Wealth is a blessing and who better to have the blessings from than the happy Ho Tai Buddha? He’ll gladly watch over your bowl and help it grow.

5) Place properly in the 6 star position or anywhere in your living room.

This year the White 6 star is in the northwest corner – the corner that just loves metal and gems! The northwest is always a great placement for a wealth bowl, but this year the windfall star is here and your lush, overflowing wealth bowl will stimulate the 6 star to bring about opportunities, income for the breadwinner, and help activate prosperity chi. Or, you can put it anywhere in your living room to help you accumulate more wealth.

6) Add your zodiac sign.

One of the best ways to infuse your wealth bowl with prosperity chi is to add a figure of your Chinese Zodiac sign. This will help to draw financial luck to you. So, if you’re a sheep, add a sheep figure. Another good idea? Always add the sign of the main breadwinner to your wealth bowl.

Below is the wealth bowl that I created:

I first bought some rocks to be painted gold for gold “nuggets.” I also bought an 8″ diameter bowl.
Next, I painted the rocks that I bought at my local crafts store for $2. Don’t they look great painted gold?
To give my bowl some filler, I added some glass pebbles.
Then I put it all together with some amethyst geode pieces I have, three smooth crystal balls, Chinese coins, faux ingots and diamonds and semiprecious stones. I also added a golden money tree and my “gold nuggets.” Isn’t it pretty? I love to look at it — and see the prosperity chi!

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