Monday 4 February 2013


I had actually gone to the Ipoh WOFs boutique to make an appointment for a Bazi & Numerology Consultation with Feng Shui Master Jason Eng.  It must have been my lucky day as Jason said he'd accommodate me that day itself.  So I needn't wait.
According to my Bazi Chart, it was going to quite a good year for me.  As I had plenty of water in  my chart, it meant that I was of Strong Wood.  He said that as I had so much wood, it would be best if I toned down on wearing green as that would make the element even stronger.  People might become jealous of me as a result.  Sigh!!! Though fire was present in my chart but it was not as strong as the other elements.  So to strengthen this element, I was advised to wear red as it would help boost my output and creativity. Jason also said that I could wear white as it was my colour of authority.
The good news is that I had the Travelling Horse star in my chart which means I would be doing quite a bit of travelling in the Year of the Snake.  Yahoo!!!
Jason said that as I know quite a bit about Feng Shui, he would touch on those that I know to save time.  He was also sweet enough to give me advice on the placement of cures and activators for my house based on the Flying Stars for the year.
Unlike other people who consulted him, I spent some time talking about Feng Shui, Dowsing, Neuro Linguistic Programming, geomancy and  Taoism with him.  
As I found Neuro Linguistic Programming and Dowsing extra interesting, I will be doing separate posts on them based on what I have discussed with Jason on Sunday.

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