Tuesday 22 January 2013


As promised I will share with you the contents of Jason's Feng Shui Talk for 2013.  I will begin with the general outlook for the Year of the Snake which begins at 12.14 a.m. on 4 February 2013.  The Chinese New Year which falls on 10 February 2013 will only start after the Lup Chun (Spring).  This means that there is no Lup Chun for the Snake year.

  • The element for this year is water.  
  • The Water Snake is very auspicious for individuals who happen to be in luck.  
  • However, the presence of the Natural Disaster Star is said to cause many to suffer.
  • On the international scene, the outlook between nations sees reduced violence.
  • This will be a more stable year for politics and economics.
  • The Paht Chee chart shows that the five elements are present for the year.  This brings growth and stability.
  • Element of the year is weak metal.  The year requires metal and earth energy.  Therefore it would be advisable to wear jade, gold and crystal.
  • The month pillar with the wood element brings success and expansion.
  • Presence of auspicious stars such as Mentor Stars and Scholastic Brilliance Stars for the year.
  • The Snake Year favours the very rich.
  • This is not a good year to change careers or to relocate.
  • All mothers must be mindful of their health.  Advised to take good care of health by eating better and exercising.
  • Good year for singles and newlyweds.
  • Married couples will also enjoy a good year.

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