Wednesday 9 January 2013


I saw this cul de sac or dead end road when I sent Lai Yoong to visit one of her friends. In Feng Shui such type of roads is bad feng shui as it suggests that there is no way out. By no way out, it suggests that when problems arise for someone living in such a house, that person might find it difficult to get out of the situation. This might lead to much misfortune.

So why is living in such a road unsuitable. This is because the Qi coming to a house placed at the end of a road usually travels fast and so the energy is negative.

However there are some remedies to deal with such a situation. One way is to force the Qi to slow down. Qi (energy) slows down when it meets with an obstacle (e.g., a wall, trees or any kind of structure. Qi also slows down when it meets up with a body of water. Therefore, to force oncoming Qi along a road to slow down, the best way is to build a wall (about 5 feet high).

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