Wednesday 12 December 2012


My friends Carol, Shemon, Xiao Hui and their family members who went with me to the Vision Home to visit the children there were totally bowled over by the warm reception they got from the children.  They were surprised to see the little ones and even the older ones coming up to Lai Yoong, Kamariah and I for hugs and cuddles.  I told them that more than anything else, these children were very much lacking in love and attention as they were either orphaned or abandoned.  True, there might be one pastor and one caretaker to look after them but then these two can only do just that much for more than 30 boys and girls with different needs.  That is why when they see motherly figures coming to visit them, the children know that they can get a little of pampering and attention from them.  Unfortunately, my friends and I have other commitments, both work and personal, and so can only visit them once a while.
Hmm ... I must try to make it one of my resolutions for 2013 to find more time to spend with these children.  Of course, I'll rope in my friends as well so that they can help to give a little bit more love and caring to these unfortunate victims of circumstances.

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