Wednesday 12 December 2012


 This cat was following me around the herb garden the whole of yesterday morning.  It was meowing and meowing to try get my attention.  At first I thought it was being overly affectionate but then I realised that the rough meows were actually cries for help.  The poor thing was hungry.  During school days, the canteen lady would feed the cats and they could also scavenge for scraps from the bins but since it is holiday time, there is no food.  Furthermore, one of the cleaners who always brought food for the cats quit two weeks ago and so the source of food has stopped.
 The cat was so hungry that it even followed me right to the library from the herb garden and was meowing loudly at the entrance.  I had some Oreo biscuits and decided to see if kitty would eat them.  Luckily, it liked the biscuits and devoured them greedily.
 From a distance, this little cat saw the big cat getting some grub and also came towards the source of food - ME!
 It seems that my Oreo came in handy and another hungry cat got fed.

Here you see the first cat finishing the leftover biscuits that the little cat could not finish.  Aiyoh!  This won't work.  I need to go buy some cat food to feed my furry pals.  For all you know, they might follow me home to make sure that they get their meals.

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