Monday 3 December 2012


I tried my hand at making roselle jam recently and am happy to say to the world that it turned out well. What
was it that spurred me to make jam?  You see, after I made the roselle drink, I was left with all the cooked calyx and felt that it was wasteful to throw them away.  So I turned to the Internet to look for a recipe to make the jam and went ahead and made it.
You see a picture of my roselle jam above.  I did not make much as this was the first try.  Since I can do it, I will make more next time to give to my friends.
Here is the recipe for those of you who wish to try.


Fresh roselle fruits (about 1/2 kg)
Brown sugar (2 cups)
Lemon juice (juice of 1 lemon)
Water (enough to cover the fruits in the pot)

  1. Boil until the fruit softens and the water level is halved. 
  2. Add in the sugar and keep on stirring so that the mixture would not burn. 
  3. Turn off the heat when the jam turns gel like and the water is almost dried out. 
  4. Put aside until the jam cools to room temperature. 
  5. Store the jam in storage jar. 
  6. Keep in the fridge because the jam contains no preservatives.

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