Wednesday 5 December 2012


My pitcher plant is flowering and what a beautiful spray of flowers it has produced.  The flowers of this plant are produced slightly ahead of the first pitchers. They are held singly on long stems.  So, this would mean that I would be expecting more new pitchers to replace the old ones that had withered.
The Pitcher Plant is a unique, trailing house plant which is considered by the Chinese to bring good luck. In The Cantonese name for this plant is Chu Loong Yup Sui meaning  “water pouring into a pig’s cage.” As water is symbolic of wealth and a pig’s cage has a big opening, water entering into the pitchers would mean wealth pouring in. In short, the plant symbolizes the abundance of wealth for years to come. It is said that the more "pitchers" your plant has, the more luck and fortune you are likely to accumulate.

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