Saturday 8 December 2012


My Aunt Linda tells me that her condition can be likened to the weather.  It is only on waking up each morning that she will know if she will be fine.  She says there are those days when on waking up she feels giddy and weak.  Then there are other days when her joints become stiff and she has problems moving about.  Of course, there are also sunny days when she feels cheerful and can move about happily.  Last week, she did not come back with me to my house in Ipoh as she was feeling under the weather.  I did drop by to visit her then and she looked pale and weak.  She was also grumpy to boot.  Her 'weather' this week is good.  Even from her picture, you can see that she is feeling good.
Well, many of you who visit my blog are young and healthy now but there will also come a day when we all grow weak and feeble.  So we have to be tolerant and understanding towards our elders who are undergoing ever changing weather in their golden years.


Pak Oncu said...

Terbaekkkkkkkkkkk dari Ghombau City

Miss Cheah said...

Ghombau City? Di mana tu?