Tuesday 4 December 2012


 When I was travelling back to Ipoh over the weekend, I spotted this stall by the roadside.  
 On closer look, it was selling bags and some toys.
 Wah!  RM35 for 2 Teddy Bears. Now this is a distraction and I got to see what's on sale.  So I stopped, parked my car by the roadside and went to check out the bargain.
 Silly me, thought that these big teddy bears were selling at 2 for RM35.  They were much smaller in size.
 Then there are these very realistic looking tigers.  I didn't enquire about the price as I wasn't interested.
 I finally bought one of these graduate Pooh Bears to give to my nephew Jeremy who will be graduating next year.  They are RM10 each.
 Here is another different graduate bear design which was also priced at RM10 each.
 Then there are cushions which came in different designs.  I think they cost RM18 each.
 Fancy animal print cushions.
 Mama and baby monkeys
 One kind Malay gentleman offered to take these two photos when he saw me taking selcas.  He was waiting for is wife and daughters who were busy checking out the goods on sale.

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