Thursday 6 December 2012


 I haven't had much time to tend to the College Herb Garden this year due to my mum's illness and eventual demise plus the process of changing over from a school to college. That was why I took the opportunity to give my beloved garden a sprucing up.  I came up with a Working Paper fro the activity and got my colleagues and also the gardeners to help.
 Here you have Encik Hambali, the driver, sawing away the branch from a tree that has grown too bushy.
 In this shot, you see another driver, Encik Sallehuddin taking down a bigger branch.
 After the branch had been sawn, Encik Mansur helps to take it away to the garbage truck.
 Here Encik Sallehuddin is cutting down unwanted branches from a plant.
 In the picture above, we have Encik Zainal the technician and Encik Azhar the lab assistant helping to cut away branches from a tree.
 Three of the gardeners clearing up the weeds from the Herb Garden.
This is how part of the Herb Garden looks after the cleaning up activity yesterday.  The men worked from 9.00 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. with breaks in between for tea and lunch. Today they will continue with the pruning and clearing.  Tomorrow they will decorate the garden and rearrange the pots of plants.
Thanks to them, my natural friends in the garden will be happier living in a cleaner and tidier environment.

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