Tuesday 27 November 2012


The row of houses pictured above can be found in a small town in Perak.  It is called Gopeng.  In the time of my ancestors, this was a bustling town but not so now.  My cousin and I will go on our yearly pilgrimage up hills during Cheng Ming time to pay homage to our dead ancestors and I go once in a while to enjoy the famous Lai Fun (a type of noodles).
It was during one of these visits, that I found out from the Lai Fun hawker about the Feng Shui of the row of houses above.  He told me that a Feng Shui master from out of town came to look for a 'dragon' a few months back.  Hey!  The dragon I am talking about refers to Dynamic land forms which are said to be able to provide new energy to their users. Dynamic formations include dragon mountains with coherent central
spines and branching ranges, and other special formations.  The hawker told me that the master said that the Dragon head was located somewhere up the hill while the body or the spine was actually along the row of houses in High Street (the ones you see above).  People who had stayed in these houses had prospered or became very successful.
In the picture below, you can see a broken down house next to the newly renovated shop on its left.  The previous tenants won the lottery and moved to Ipoh.  The daughter became a nurse and the son a doctor.  The building on the right is the Chang Lung Association.  I was told that quite a number of the members of this association have made it big and are successful and prosperous. Even the shop next door is doing well.  This must be the positive energy of the dragon's spine.  Hmm ... should I think of getting the old broken house rebuilt and stay there to reap some of the benefits of the good Feng Shui?  After all the house belongs to my ancestors.

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