Tuesday 20 November 2012


 The Chinese entertainment scene is all abuzz about the significant weight gain of Taiwanese pop diva, A-Mei (張惠妹) . Nowadays she looks more like the Auntie next door than the svelte rocker that she used to be.  I read reports that she attributed her weight gain to drinking a sweetened type of green tea and also not exercising because of leg injury.
Hmm ... if you ask me, I think it could be because of age.  She turned 40 a short while ago and there has been a lot written about women over 35 who have gained weight because their metabolic rate had slowed down.  Apparently there is this thing called “body symphony” and the “domino effect” of imbalance. After years of low fat, high carbohydrate diets, processed foods, alcohol, soft drinks, women have developed insulin resistance (also known as Metabolic Syndrome or Pre-Diabetes). When you are insulin resistant your body converts every calorie it can into fat – even if you are dieting. Hormone imbalance and insulin resistance can affect metabolism and body fat storage, resulting in unsightly weight gain and an inability to lose the excess weight.
Perhaps, A-Mei can lose the excess kilos as she has the resources to hire personal trainers and nutritionists to help her lose the weight.  Also there are slimming centres that will be more than willing to sponsor her slimming sessions.
Unfortunately, A-Mei  must realise that she may lose the weight she has gained but because of age, she will find it difficult to keep the kilos from piling back on.  And this is from someone who knows.


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