Sunday 25 November 2012


Will the world end in 2012, like the Mayan Calendar? This question has been bandied around a lot lately.  Why, even today while I was having my facial, my beautician told me that her friends in KL advised her to stock up on food and also candles because the world will be plunged into darkness on that day.
Hmm... what I do know is that there would be some sort of planetary alignment but I don't think the world will come to an end.
It seems that the scientists at NASA have been thoroughly studying and analyzing the possibility of the Earth ending in 2012, but concludes that 21st December 2012  will be nothing more than a normal December solstice.  Hence, there is simply no scientific evidence to support any claims of an apocalypse on Earth in December 2012.
Anywhere if the world were to end on that day, it would be ridiculous to keep a supply of food and candles, wouldn't it?  Furthermore, I wouldn't want to be around if everyone else has perished. Believe me, it is no fun being the last human being on earth.
To read more about this, click this LINK.

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