Sunday 4 November 2012


When my mum was alive, she'd get very excited each time the plants in her garden begin to flower.  She'd tell me to take photos of the flowers and she'd also pose next to them.  Actually both my parents had a great love for plants and they'd spent hours in the garden.
My Aunt Linda had been telling me to get rid of all the plants in the garden since my mum's demise.  She kept telling me that there was no one to look after the garden and so we better leave the place bare.  Just last week, she told me that a hibiscus plant that my mum had planted was not growing well and she wanted to take it home to save it.  When I saw the plant that she had asked the gardener to remove from the pot and put it in a bag, I realised that the plant was actually very healthy.  Actually, my Aunt had wanted the plant for her collection.  That was when I told her that if she had wanted a hibiscus plant, I'd buy it for her but not to take what my mum had planted. She was rather mad and started to say that my mum was already dead and that the plant would die since there was no one caring for it.  I told her that the plants in the garden reminded me of my mum and when I go back during the weekends I wanted to see them. I have people coming to cut the grass every month and there is someone who comes and water the plants for me every day.  As long as I am alive and able, I will make sure that my mum's garden thrives as a living legacy of hers.  Even my nephew, Jeremy, shares such sentiments.
By the way, I believe that my mum's soul comes back and visits the house and her garden as I do feel her presence when I am at home.

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