Monday 1 October 2012


 I read in the newspaper that the Kuan Yin Tong Temple in Ipoh was holding a celebration for the Mid Autumn Festival and that there was a lantern making competition and a special ship made from recycled items.
I took the opportunity to visit the temple for prayers and at the same time check out the entries for the competition and also the ship.  In the above picture, I am at the main temple.
 This replica of a dragon was specially made to honour the Moon Goddess.
 The dragon will be brightly lit at night and there will also be special performances beginning at 8 p.m.
 Here is one of the entries for the Lantern making competition, the green dragon.  I think the theme is on recycling as I noticed that many of the items used were used household products.
 This entry of ocean life is in motion.
 The Rafflesia is used as the theme for this entry.
 Ocean bed scene.
 Flower basket lantern.
 Another flower basket.  Enjoy looking at the rest of the entries below.

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