Wednesday 19 September 2012


The handsome looking dog in the pictures above is Rex.  He belongs to my acupuncturist, Rose.  Every time I go for my acupuncture session with Rose, Rex would be there to welcome me.  According to Rose, Rex followed her home about three years ago and has been with her ever since.
When I visited Rose last Sunday, she told me a story about Rex and his crucifix.  It seemed that there was an  intruder at the back of her house in the early hours of Tuesday and Rex was barking ferociously at the man.  The barking woke her next door neighbour and she called the police. Unfortunately, by the time the police came, the man had already left.  Luckily, Rose does not stay at her clinic and so was out of harm's way.  However, she became worried that should the man come again, he might poison Rex in order to break into her house or that of her neighbour's.  She related the story to her brother and also her fear for Rex's safety.
Guess what her brother did?  He went to church and bought a crucifix for Rex as protection from harm.  So sweet, right?
Anyway, it seemed that Rex lost the crucifix a few hours after Rose's brother tied it around his neck.  When Lai Yoong and I went for our acupuncture session. We thought that looking for the lost crucifix was rather difficult but when we were leaving, Lai Yoong saw it and I helped to screw it back on for Rex.

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