Thursday 20 September 2012


The seventh lunar month has ended and those who are superstitious can heave a sigh of relief.  The ghostly beings are back in the underworld where they belong.  
Below is a news article about a policeman in Taiwan who saw a ghostly apparition and managed to capture it  with his cellular phone.

Taiwan cop says he can see dead people

Taiwan cop says he can see dead people

Taiwan's cops are in the news again, not because of a sex scandal this time but for something more supernatural and a lot scarier—a policeman from the Budai Precinct in Chiayi County has claimed that he's seen dead people!

Officer Chen was taking a final stroll around the yacht jetty in front of his bureau just before midnight when he ran into the disembodied spectre. He managed to snap a picture of the apparition with his mobile phone before making a mad dash back to his unit.

When he showed the image to his colleagues, they posted it on several social networking sites and asked for help from paranormal experts. The next day, however, Officer Chen was spooked even more when the picture on his phone was missing.

Several of the cops believe that the phantom's appearance had something to do with the Hungry Ghost month (according to the Lunar Calendar), but after the picture made the round on Taiwan's social sites, debunkers claim that the spirit had more to do with an online app called Ghost Capture.

According to Ghost Capture users, the programme enables users to take "supernatural pictures", adding that Officer Chen's visitor bore a striking resemble to another ghoul that showed up in Chongqing, China last year.

That didn't stop one Taiwanese journalist from seeking the opinion of a temple priest, who consulted the gods for answers by tossing the red divination blocks—two cashew-shaped wooden blocks.

To the question about the woman in the picture and is she or is she not a ghost, the blocks answered 'yes she is'. The reporter said he asked the question four times and received the same answer every time. When he informed Officer Chen about it, the frightened cop said he had already performed a cleansing prayer.

According to local history, the jetty was built in 1983 on reclaimed land where several had drowned and committed suicide before and after its construction. Office Chen said he had never heard that story because he had just been transferred to the precinct.

Source: Liberty Times;


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