Saturday 29 September 2012


There are two types of toilets in Malaysia, sitting and squatting.  I remember when I was in secondary one of my seniors was hospitalised because she squatted on a sitting toilet which broke.  She sustained injuries to her private parts and needed lots and lots of stitches.  Ooooh!  Reaaallly painful.
Until today I think there are people who would squat on sitting toilets at departmental stores as they think that the toilets are dirty.  Actually, this is rather dangerous and should not be practised. 
Recently I came across platforms that are specially built for sitting toilets to facilitate the squatting position.

As a matter of fact it is actually unnatural and unhealthy to sit on a toilet to poop? The natural position to have a bowel movement is to squat. 

Here are Seven Advantages of Squatting
  1. Makes elimination faster, easier and more complete. This helps prevent "fecal stagnation," a prime factor in colon cancer, appendicitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  2. Protects the nerves that control the prostate, bladder and uterus from becoming stretched and damaged.
  3. Securely seals the ileocecal valve, between the colon and the small intestine. In the conventional sitting position, this valve is unsupported and often leaks during evacuation, contaminating the small intestine.
  4. Relaxes the puborectalis muscle which normally chokes the rectum in order to maintain continence.
  5. Uses the thighs to support the colon and prevent straining. Chronic straining on the toilet can cause hernias, diverticulosis, and pelvic organ prolapse.
  6. A highly effective, non-invasive treatment for hemorrhoids, as shown by published clinical research.
  7. For pregnant women, squatting avoids pressure on the uterus when using the toilet. Daily squatting helps prepare one for a more natural delivery.

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