Monday 24 September 2012


I wanted some flower arrangements for my house in Ipoh but those sold at the shops cost quite a bit.  A decent looking arrangement would set me back at least RM35.  So frugal me decided to DO IT MYSELF.
I recycled an old vase, a cup and bought the teapot like one for only 50 sen. It was sold cheaply because the lid was broken.  I bought 8 stalks of the silk flowers for RM37.50.  I had some leftover sponge for the arrangement and so saved on that.
With materials in hand, I started to do my thing and after an hour or so came up with 3 pots of arranged flowers.  It costs me RM38.  What do you think?  Not bad, eh?
If you need your flowers to be arranged, just send me the materials and I will gladly help.

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