Thursday 9 August 2012


 My plans of bringing all 36 of my librarians together with lecturers from the college to visit 60 senior citizens at the Manabi'ul Ulum Centre next week could not be carried out as 40 of them had gone back to their villages to celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri with their family and relatives.  Only 21 were left and they too would be going back soon.  So it would be pointless for us to go next week.
As I only found out about the declining number of old folks yesterday morning, I quickly informed Kamariah and the both of us decided to go to the centre in the evening.  However, we had not bought anything and event the greeting cards were not ready.  But since we had made up our minds, the two of us went and bought things for the goodie bags and I got the boys and girls from my class to help make the Hari Raya Cards.  They made beautiful cards and wrote lovely messages for the opahs or grannies at the Pondok (Religious Centre).   One of my colleagues also handed 20 packets of Duit Raya (Festive Money) to be added to the goodie bags. Thus, it is with the concerted effort of my students and friends that we managed to get the goodie bags and greeting cards ready by 2.00 p.m.
 Here you see Khairah helping me to pack the dates into plastic containers.
 The two of us taking a break from our packing to pose for the camera.
 Me showing the dates.
 Kurma or dates
 Pulut Biscuits and Kacang Biscuits
 The students helping with the packing

 Atikah putting the handmade cards into the goodie bags
 Writing out festive greetings
 Eimeen with a ketupat that she had made
 Aliff decorating his card

 The finished cards done by students of 5PK

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