Tuesday 7 August 2012


Those of you who have been regularly following this blog would know that I have been collecting money from my friends, colleagues and students to buy new Hari Raya or festive clothings for 25 orphans and needy children from the Manabi'ul Ulum Centre in Lekir. I have budgeted a sum of RM80 for each of them and that would mean I need to collect RM2,000.  The collection thus far is RM1618 which means I am short of RM382.  Hopefully, I can meet the target by this Friday as my friends and I plan to bring the children shopping on Saturday morning.
As two of the orphans, Izdihar and Salihin study in the Vocational college and are boarders there, I decided to bring the two of them to shop for their new clothings after school this evening.  I waited for them to get permission from their warden and to finish their Azar prayers before taking them out from the hostel.
 Here you see Izdihar trying on a Baju Raihan.  The item was priced at RM49.90 but the lady at the shop charged only RM40 as she knew that this was for an orphan.
 Here Izdihar is trying on the Baju Melayu.  He said he just wanted the top piece and not the pants as he prefers to match it with black pants.
 Izdihar with the Baju Raihan which he finally chose.  Obviously, he likes the colour green.
 Salihin trying on a black Kopiah (a type of headwear).
 Solihin with a white kopiah.
The boys choosing a kopiah that would fit them. The kopiah was priced at RM22.90 but the salesperson gave me a big discount.
After that, I drove the boys to Giant to buy sandals.  The price for two pairs was RM56.  In total, RM166 was spent.  Somehow, I better start praying that I will be able to collect the amount I had targeted by Friday.  So wish me luck!

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